
sábado, 12 de enero de 2013

If you have pass the assesment you are an experienced photographer.
Go out and take pictures!

-Have the children learnt all the vocabulary?

-Have the children made the pinhole camera?

-Have the children found the words in the wordsearch puzzle?

-Have the children taken some pictures with their own pinhole camera?
Have they shared with other people?

viernes, 11 de enero de 2013

To take some pictures with the pinhole you made some days before you have to keet the camera motionless for few minutes anywhere and focus to something you want.

These are some examples of pinhole photographies:

Chess math

Some wood

 Pint glass

It's time to play. WordSearch Puzzle!

Here you can learn some specific vocabulary belonging to a camera.


  1. Vocabulary about parts of the camera.
  2. Complete de WordSearch Puzzle
  3. Take sam pics with your own pinhole camera.
  4. Let's share! (you can send me and I'll show to the rest of the bloggers)
  5. Assesment
  6. Conclusion

Today I want to share you a good web for photography lovers.

Clic here to continue.

This page is about the new gadgets we can find all along the year.
They usually refresh their page every week.
